Tuesday, 26 November 2019

5 steps to set up an emergency plan according to ISO 14001


Do you have a personal emergency plan? Probably not, but if you live in an area of very high risk of e.g., earthquake, it is a good idea to have a procedure regarding what to do in such situation. For example, your personal plan could be to go in the smallest room, which is most resistant to collapsing, or to fill a bathtub with fresh water because you can expect an interruption in water supply; you may also need to set up escape bag in case of evacuation.

If you own and invest in a small or medium company, or run an organization, and have no emergency plan – you need to STOP & THINK about it. It is too unsafe to lose everything overnight.
To set up a crisis plan in a small organization you don’t need a Ph.D. in ecological science – just follow these steps and don't stress if your plan isn't great. You will improve it over time

Purpose of an emergency plan

The aim of an emergency plan is to guide personnel in an accident or emergency situation to prevent or minimize injury, damage and material loss. An additional goal is to prevent environmental impact from the accident or emergency.
ISO 14001 certification states in clause 4.4.7 Emergency preparation and response that the “organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to spot potential emergency things and potential accidents. The organization shall answer to actual emergency things and accidents.”
It is “good practice” for the emergency plan to determine major risks of accidents, outline preventive measures and key personnel, list contact details, confer with SDS (safety data sheet of dangerous substances), and specify emergency instrumentation and response. It should be written and structured to be read quickly and simply.

Explanation of basic terms

Before going into the details, let’s explain some basic terms.

ISO 14001 Certification doesn't outline terms like incidentaccident and emergency. These terms are outlined and used principally in OH&S (Safety at work).

The Oxford English Dictionary defines “accident” as “an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.” Consider that the first part of the definition is generic and also the same in all cases, however the impact depends upon the particular scenario  (e.g., injury is said to safety at work, environmental harm is said to environmental management, or a crash involving road vehicles is related to a road accident).

The definitions below aren’t official; they are simplified in order to explain basic variations in terms associated with environmental incident, accident, and emergency things.


An unplanned, potentially harmful or damaging situation or event, not resulting in environmental damage or other loss.


An unplanned, most likely harmful or damaging situation or event, leading to environmental damage or other loss.


An unplanned situation or event leading in involvement of the public emergency services, police, or the environmental regulative authorities.

Steps in setting up an emergency plan

The following steps will explain how to set up your emergency plan as per ISO 14001 and based on “good practice.” ISO Environmental Certification is generic standard; therefore you should customize it to your specific scenario and needs.

Step 1: Identification

You have to identify the specific potential accident associated with your circumstances and type of activity. If you run an office, a fire may be your only potential risk.

Some types of accident and emergency:

  • fire
  • chemical explosion
  • spillage or release of materials that are corrosive, toxic, flammable, or carcinogenic

Step 2: Prevention.

You have to brainstorm together with your personnel for preventive measures associated with to every type of accident. ISO 14001:2015 Certification states that emergency plan(s) shall include actions to prevent and mitigate associated environmental impacts.

Preventive measures depend upon your specific situation and may include e.g.:

Step 3: Emergency plan. 

Depending on complexness and needs, the organization must establish one or more emergency plans.

An emergency plan aims to:

  • outline the categories and environmental impacts (step 1)
  • define preventive measures (step 2)
  • provide contact information to key personnel (on-site & off-site)
  • identify the location of appropriate technical data and emergency equipment (site layout)
  • highlight any special instructions or actions
  • identify and provide names of people trained in first aid

Make sure that all your staff knows about the plan, where to find it, and what it contains.  It is important that they know how to prevent accidents and what to do in case an accident occurs. You should, as stated in ISO 14001, review and revise your emergency plan where necessary, particularly after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations

The Emergency Plan is not intended to be a comprehensive instruction with all background information. It is a clear and simple operational procedure for dealing with accidents.

Step 4: Training and drills (testing for training effectiveness). 

You have to train your employees about preventive measures and your emergency plan, and you should include in the training plan all necessary background information. Unfortunately, this is not enough, because in a real emergency situation, people’s behavior is unpredictable. To be sure that personnel will react according to the emergency plan, you have to, as stated in ISO 14001:2015 Certification, perform periodic drills based on predefined scenarios. How often? That depends on the risk. For example, atomic submarines have daily or weekly drills. Frequency of testing should be related to the environmental risk of your site, staff turnover, the introduction of new processes or materials, and conclusions from any previous exercises or incidents. For the average SME, yearly drills will usually be satisfactory.

Step 5: Evaluation and improvement.

Drill reports have to take into consideration gaps between the emergency plan and the drill result. The output of the drill report should focus on closing gaps and any other recommendations related to improvement of the emergency plan. For example, you may notice during the drill that free access for fire trucks is blocked by pallets for raw materials. You have to highlight this in the report, followed with, as stated in ISO 14001, corrective actions for eliminating cause(s) of incidents in order to prevent recurrence. What does that mean? You have to find out why free access was blocked, e.g., due to the lack  of warning labels, or employee training, or something else, followed by actions to prevent it from happening again in the future. With this approach, you will continue to improve your performance over time, which is one of the fundamental requirements of ISO Environmental Certification.

Even with the best preparation and prevention, accidents still happen. When they do, you will be prepared and ready for a fast reaction to minimize injury, environmental damage, equipment loss, and eliminate unnecessary calls to the public emergency services.

Visit us to get ISO certified

Seven Quality Management Principles behind ISO 9001 requirements

Why ISO 9001 certification?

The ISO 9001 standard is a basic framework for any organization – large or small – to ensure a good ISO Certification for Quality Management System. The purposes of the standard are to allow a company to provide higher levels of customer satisfaction, along with consistently supplying products or services that meet customer requirements, as well as to achieve business goals and targets and to maximize profitability. ISO 9001:2015 certification can help a small business in specific areas, especially in business process consistency and supplier relations.

Requirements ISO 9001:2015 Certification

ISO 9001:2015 Certification specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:
1. Required to expose its capability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
2. Focus to increase customer fulfillment through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
Requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Certification are collective and are planned to be applicable to any organization, mindless of its type or size ratio, or the products and assistance it provides.

Have you ever wondered why the ISO 9001 standard has some of the requirements that it does? Or have you wondered why a requirement is worded the way it is? By understanding the main principles behind the writing of the standard you can not only understand the requirements better, but you can also work on a more successful implementation of the requirements into your Quality Management System.

There are seven Quality Management Principles upon which the ISO 9001 requirements for Quality Management Systems are based. These are not introduced in any order, as they are altogether observed as equally important to running a good quality management system. They are equally applicable to product- or service-based administration, and they are important administration ideas behind any system for quality management.

QMP1 – Customer Focus

Since the whole goal of a company is to provide products or services to customers, it makes sense that there is a focus on customers as a main element. This begins with knowing your client and their requirements, ensuring there is communication with clients all through the process, and measuring the fulfillment of your client as a method of measuring if the requirements, spoken or unspoken, have been met.

QMP2 – Leadership Importance of Top Management

It has been said many times that if the top levels of management are not behind the implementation of any QMS, it is bound to fail. While this may not always be a fact, it is true that the more involved the top levels of management are in the QMS, the better the chance of success, and the better implemented the end result. If top management – who is responsible for controlling the cash flow of the organization – can see the benefit of the system, it is much more likely to be used to its fullest advantage.

QMP3 – Engagement of People

It is important that people throughout the organization create value, especially in our ever-growing competitive world. To ensure this, the ISO Quality Management System Certification must focus on the competence of people to help them become engaged in the processes to build value in them. By having empowered and engaged people in the organization, this can become a driving force behind meeting the objectives of the organization.

QMP4 – The Process Approach

Trying to understand, control and improve an overall system can often be complicated, which can make any efforts doomed to failure. However, by looking at the overall system as smaller interrelated processes you can focus your efforts toward more consistent and predictable results on the individual processes of the system. Controlling and improving the individual processes can be a much easier and more effective way to control and improve the entire system.

QMP5 – Improvement

Companies that stay stagnant in an ever-more-competitive market will quickly be overtaken by their competition, and in order to counteract this pressure the company must improve in order to drive down cost and maintain market share. This allows the company to react to changes in internal or external conditions to create new opportunities. The whole idea of having a quality policy, with objectives that are consistent with this policy, works toward improvement. Objectives need to be planned and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-based), and will not work without commitment to change.

QMP6 – Evidence-based decision making

It is said that you are more likely to get the desired results by basing decisions on analysis and evaluation of data rather than a gut instinct of the situation. This is why there is a focus on monitoring & measurement in the ISO 9001 requirements (in fact, 4 of 6 mandatory documented procedures are from this section). In order to know that a process is functioning properly we need adequate data, and in order to plan and assess improvements this data is even more important. Because of this, maintaining good records becomes crucial to facilitate many of the other Quality Management Principles.

QMP7 – Relationship Management

Because the interaction with interested parties such as customers, employees and suppliers can influence the performance of an organization, it is critical to manage these relationships. The focus is often on managing the relationships with the supplier network, but maintaining the relationships of all parties is important to optimize their impact on the organization and make sustained success more likely. Successful companies see these relationships as partnerships rather than strictly customer/supplier interactions.

How to use the Quality Management Principles in your QMS

By understanding these overall principles, and putting a focus on them into your QMS, you will find it easier to implement the requirements and find that the end result will be more focused to your needs as a company. If you are aligning your ISO Quality Management System Certification to the ISO 9001 requirements, how much simpler will the implementation be if you also ensure that your processes focus on the same principles as the requirements, and how much more effective will your system be? How can you ignore the principles behind the system if you want to ensure that your QMS will function so that you see the most benefit?

After reading that you have a question in Mind that how to get ISO Certification for that there are many ISO certification Body to fulfill that. ISO 9001 Certification Services helps to check out the ISO procedure.

Visit us to get ISO certified

Monday, 28 October 2019

How can ISO 27001 help in achieving GDPR compliance?

What is GDPR compliance

The European Parliament adopted the GDPR in April 2016, replacing an outdated data protection directive from 1995. It carries provisions that require businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for transactions that occur within EU member states. The GDPR also regulates the exportation of personal data outside the EU.
Companies that collect data on citizens in European Union (EU) countries need to comply with strict new rules around protecting customer data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets a new standard for consumer rights regarding their data, but companies will be challenged as they put systems and processes in place to maintain compliance.
Compliance will cause some concerns and new expectations of security teams. For example, the GDPR takes a wide view of what constitutes personal identification information. Companies will need the same level of protection for things like an individual’s IP address or cookie data as they do for name, address and Social Security number.

Why ISO 27000 is important for Business

Hosting is at the core of any business. Whether your company stores its own information or customer data – or maybe even both – with a hosting provider, we can consider the information within this internet infrastructure as being essential to your company’s business processes. From single websites, membership sites, and e-commerce webshops on the one hand, to data from employees or customers on the other hand – all kind of relevant data will be stored by your hosting partner.
While it is convenient and economically reasonable to keep relevant data in the cloud, regulatory requirements, for instance, by governments, also have to be met.

Use of ISO 27001 Certification For Hosting Provider in achieving GDPR compliance?


An ISO 27001 hosting provider, at some point, proved that the company believes and works according to an information security guideline. The awareness of the employees regarding information security should be noticeably higher compared to other hosting providers. Standards, such as for testing software or components, backing up systems, and firewall structures to mention only a few, should be in place and in action.

Independent audits: 

By choosing an ISO 27001-certified hosting provider, chances are good that your data is safe. Any company certified according to ISO 27001 has to undergo audits and prove that an Information Security Management System is in place. Unless you want to audit your hosting provider yourself, it’s a good idea to choose a hosting partner that was audited and certified.

Complying with regulations:

By choosing an ISO 27001 hosting partner, you also show interested parties, like the government, that you comply with regulations. You demonstrate that you take your responsibilities seriously and work according to best practice yourself. This is also useful for prospective clients.

Competitive advantage:

Even if your company is not certified according to ISO 27001, some of the benefits of your ISO 27001 hosting partner rub off. Your company will automatically gain trust. Going for ISO 27001 hosting can even prove to be a competitive advantage, which takes us to the next point.

Gain trust – win new customers:

Whenever you can tell your customers that your (and their) data is safe, you gain trust – and new customers. Customers tend to choose reliable partners. Let prospective buyers know you are working with an ISO 27001 hosting provider, and that their data is safe with you and your service partners.

Demonstrate responsibility: 

And what if something happens anyway? Let’s say an incident happened. On the one hand, you – and especially your hosting partner – can solve the problem (and make sure it does not happen again). The ISO 27001 Certification standard actually provides a guideline for your hosting partner on how to handle incidents. By working according to the ISO 27001 Certification standard, continuous improvement will lead toward growing awareness and preventing further incidents similar to the one that happened. On the other hand, you can still demonstrate what you did beforehand. Not all risks can be predicted and prevented. But when you – and your hosting partner – did the best possible job, responsible authorities tend to be more lenient and cooperative toward your efforts.

Better incident recovery: 

Not only will your company look better in case of an incident (at least you tried your best to prevent one), but also, an ISO 27001-certified hosting partner will recover faster from an incident. Your company will be back up and running more quickly, too. Moreover, according to ISO 27001, your hosting provider will also assess the incident and take precautions against any related or similar incidents. An important part of any ISO 27001 certification is continual improvement.

Less downtime less hustle: 

Any ISO 27001 hosting partner should deliver outstanding security measures. Downtime – as one bonus – should be minimal. As a result, an ISO 27001 certification goes beyond any service level agreement. In general, working with an ISO 27001 hosting company should save your company money – at least in the long run. Less downtime and less hustle let your company work more efficiently, too.

Think globally

All the above-mentioned benefits also work in global environments. ISO 27001 from the ISO 27001 Certification Body is a recognized standard all over the world. So, whenever you handle data globally and have to meet regulatory requirements in different parts of the world, working with an ISO 27001 hosting company makes your work easier.


1. Compliance

It might seem odd to list this as the first benefit, but it often shows the quickest “return on investment” – if an organization must comply to various regulations regarding data protection, privacy and IT governance (particularly if it is a financial, health or government organization), then ISO 27001 can bring in the methodology which enables to do it in the most efficient way.

2. Marketing edge

In a market which is more and more competitive, it is sometimes very difficult to find something that will differentiate you in the eyes of your customers. ISO 27001 Certification Services could be indeed a unique selling point, especially if you handle clients’ sensitive information.

3. Lowering the expenses

Information security is usually considered as a cost with no obvious financial gain. However, there is a financial gain if you lower your expenses caused by incidents. You probably do have an interruption in service, or occasional data leakage, or disgruntled employees. Or disgruntled former employees.
The truth is, there is still no methodology and/or technology to calculate how much money you could save if you prevented such incidents. But it always sounds good if you bring such cases to management’s attention.

4. Putting your business in order

This one is probably the most underrated – if you are a company which has been growing sharply for the last few years, you might experience problems like – who has to decide what, who is responsible for certain information assets, who has to authorize access to information systems etc.
ISO 27001 is particularly good in sorting these things out – it will force you to define very precisely both the responsibilities and duties, and therefore strengthen your internal organization.
To conclude – ISO 27001 could bring in many benefits besides being just another certificate on your wall. In most cases, if you present those benefits in a clear way, the management will start listening to you.
Check out these some frequently asked Questions.
After reading that you have a question in Mind that how to get ISO Certification for that there are many ISO 27001 certification Body to fulfill that. ISO 27001 Certification Services helps to check out the ISO procedure.   


Address: 1495/1, Manasarovar, 16th Main Road,

Anna Nagar West,Chennai,

Tamil Nadu,India-600 040

Mobile: +91 9962590571

Friday, 18 October 2019

What are the Key changes in ISO 22000:2018 vs ISO 22000:2005?

Key changes in ISO 22000:2018 Certification VS ISO 22000:2005

While several changes were prompted by the new ISO HLS – High-Level Structure which also influences the revisions of ISO 9001, 14001 and the new OH&S standard, ISO 45001, others were specific to the the discipline of food safety management.
If your organization is already certified to ISO 22000 or has implemented an FSMS, your team will already be familiar with its key requirements. There have, however, been several changes to the 2005 version which will require some preparatory work if your business hasn’t already transitioned to the new standard.
In order to be fully compliant with ISO 22000 Certification, your organization will need to review and adapt for the following changes. Any of our consultancy team at IAS will be able to walk you through these changes without too much flapping or fuss.

What is HLS

The High-Level Structure (HLS) is a set of 10 clauses that all ISO management system standards are required to use in the future. This is so that all management system standards will have the same look and feel, and will enable greater integration between systems of different disciplines. The HLS then uses core text which will be in every management system standard plus contextualized text that will be added depending on what the management system is about – whether it be Quality, OHS, Environment, Food Safety or another discipline.

HLS induced Changes 

Business Context and Interested Parties

In addition to the inclusion of new clauses for systematic determination and monitoring of the business context, the revised standard also mandates that the needs and expectations of interested parties, both internal and external (employees, customers, financiers, business partners, etc.), which might impact (positively or negatively) on the success of the MS must be identified and fully understood.

Focus on Leadership & Management Commitment 

ISO 22000 Certification now includes new demands on Leadership to actively engage with, and be fully accountable for the management system.

Risk management 

The risk-based thinking approach now embodied in management system standards mean that risk management in the FSMS has implications for business planning, management objectives, identifying improvement opportunities and allocating resources to reduce or eliminate the unacceptable risk to food safety from a wide range of sources.


The relevant clause is more prescriptive with respect to the “mechanics” of communication, including determination of what, when and how to communicate.

Food Safety Manuals 

The explicit requirement to have a documented procedure has been removed.

Changes specific to ISO 22000:2018 Certification & Food Safety Management

The PDCA Cycle 

The revised standard for ISO 22000 Certification for Foods Industries has two separate cycles working in tandem – one covers the management system while the other covers the principles of HACCP.

The Scope Specifically Includes Animal Food 

Animal Food is food for animals not producing food for human consumption. Feed is intended to be fed to food producing animals.

Changes to Definitions

‘Harm’ has been replaced by ‘adverse health effect’ thereby ensuring consistency with the definition of food safety hazard, while the term ‘assurance’ is used to flag the relationship between the consumer and the food product, based on the assurance of food safety.

Communicating Food Safety Policies

The ISO 22000 Certification for Foods Industries requires leadership to provide clear communication of and facilitate understanding of the food safety policies by all relevant employees.

Food Safety Management System Objectives 

Establishing objectives for the FMS is further specified including items such as ‘consistent with customer requirements’, ‘monitored’ and ‘verified’.

Control of Externally-provided Processes, Products or Services 

The need to control the suppliers of products, processes and services, including outsourced processes, and to ensure adequate communication of relevant requirements, to meet the FSMS requirements has been introduced into the updated standard.

If your organization needs any assistance or support around transitioning to or implementing ISO 22000:2018 our highly expert team of ISO consultants would be more than happy to work with your business team to move things forward. For all your ISO consulting needs ISO 22000 Certification Body, contact India’s leading ISO Consultancy – IAS. For more details of our services log onto our website at  https://www.iascertification.com/. Check out these some frequently asked Questions. After reading that you have a question in Mind that how to get ISO Certification. For that ISO 22000 Certification Body helps to check out the ISO procedure.

The Major Changes

The new release has undergone a thorough revision for the standard, since it is the first revision of the standard after 2005. The standard has now been updated with ISO’s high level structure (HLS) and revised to meet today’s food safety challenges, where organizations with previous version certificate must transit to the 2018 version by June 19, 2021. After this date, the 2005 version of the standard will be withdrawn. The standard has tried to capture recent updates in the food safety landscape, changes in business diversity, global commerce and digitalization in food supply chains. The major proposed changes to the standard include modifications to its structure as well as clarifying key concepts.  

Core Changes

The core changes introduced in the revision will affect organizations that wish to maintain their existing system certifications, as well as the organizations that are involved in the auditing compliance. The changes will also effectively impacted on the existing system scope, top management involvement, documentation of the system, application of the risk based approach to organizational needs with a clear focus on the process approach through the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. The PDCA cycle has extended by adaptation of separate HACCP cycle which runs inside the PDCA. Additional changes introduced to the standard are differentiation of PRPs, OPRPs and CCPs, adaptation of ISO/TS 22002 (1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) prerequisite programs on food safety, traceability, allergen management, supplier evaluation and acceptance which were the major criticism from GFSI to build their own FSSC 22000 while other minor changes were adapted to clarify and simplify the long held issues in the industry as well as to update international developments in food safety approaches in the last 13 years.

Visit us to get ISO certified

Saturday, 5 October 2019

ISO 22000 Certification - Effective Food Safety Management System

What is ISO 22000?

ISO 22000 Certification is a standard under ISO which has particulars for the structure of food safety management in an association. This standard is frequently considered as one of the sorts of value the management system in an organisationISO 22000 Certification for Foods Industries which is perceived all around the globe, covering the key elements to guarantee the food safety. The greater part of the food safety specialists allude ISO 22000 Certification as a crucial structure of any food business. The certification demonstrates that your association has a legitimate food safety management system. ISO 22000:2018 Certification incorporates the following:
·         Interactive communication
·         Food System management
·         Stopping the food safety risk by HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)
·         Continuous improvement of food safety management system

Who need ISO 22000 Certification?

For the most part the people who are either legitimately or in a roundabout way occupied with food and food supply business require ISO 22000 Certification. Aside from that, in the event that you have a cafe or you bargain in the business of packing and re-packing, at that point additionally you need the food safety management system. It is viably viewed as that ISO 22000 Certification is a blend of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and a piece of ISO 9001(which arrangements in the Quality Management System). Individuals who are in to the matter of assembling and transportation additionally need ISO 22000 Certification.

Why is ISO 22000 Certification important to your Company?

ISO 22000 Certification for Foods Industries Certification is recognised all through the worldwide food supply chain and certification is an approach to end up a provider of decision. ISO 22000 Certification Certification openly exhibits your pledge to food safety. It depends on best in class best practices and is intended to:
·         Identify, manage and mitigate food safety related risks and issue.
·         Make trust with stakeholders.
·         Increase your Brand value in market.
ISO 22000 Certification Certification aligns with other ISO Certification management system standards, making it simple to coordinate your food security the executives with quality, ecological or health and safety the board.
ISO 22000 Certification aligns with other ISO Certification management system standards, making it simple to incorporate your sustenance well-being the board with quality, ecological or heath and security the board.

Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification

Food Safety Management System, for the most part known as ISO 22000:2018 Certification has various advantages including the consumer loyalty and believably of the association. FSMS or the Food Safety Management System was initially presented with the goal of exhibiting how well an association can recognise and control sanitation risks. Following are the significant advantages of ISO 22000 Certification.

Global Recognition

Since ISO 22000 Certification is a universally known and recognised standard, it opens the entryways to enable you to develop your business by the acquaintance of internationally perceived procedures with your association. The Certification awards you a global acknowledgement as well as makes you progressively consistent with the International food safety standards.

More Confidence among Stakeholders

ISO 22000 Certification is the standard certification which guarantees the nature of your food and food safety, alongside the acts of risk control which further outcomes in certainty among partners and providers in your association.

Credibility and Transparency

Validity is one of the business perspectives which isn't anything but difficult to discover in business managing the natural way of life nowadays.ISO 22000 Certification enables you to be progressively straightforward and in this way increasingly tenable to the clients and investors. This inevitably fortifies your business development.

Continual improvement of business

A nonstop improvement and refreshing of systems and practices let your association improve routinely. This procedure likewise helps an association by making the frameworks powerful. ISO 22000 Certification from the ISO 22000 Certification Body helps an association to accomplish constant improvement of food business.
Principals: ISO 22000 certification
1.      Hazard Analysis: Biological, chemical & physical.
2.      Identify CCP: Identify Critical Control Point of food Chain.
3.      Controls: Establishment of critical control points and preventive measures thereon.
4.      Monitoring of CCP.
5.      Ascertain Corrective Actions.
6.      Records Keeping.
7.      Third Party Audit


ISO 22000 Certification is a significant component in any food business. It tends to be connected to any association with the vision of setting up Food safety management system. No one trade-off with unsafe food, since that could have genuine results. This is the reason it is a sheer significance of eateries, lodgings or any organisation which legitimately or in a roundabout way manages the natural pecking order. The vast majority of the fruitful food business today is ISO 22000 Certification. ISO has dependably been a characteristic of corporate polished skill, and this standard raises a nature of sanitation the board. It is perceived and prescribed all globally. 
Check out these some frequently asked Questions.
After reading that you have a question in Mind that how to get ISO Certification for that there are many ISO certification Body to fulfil that. ISO 22000 Certification Body helps to check out the ISO procedure

Visit us to get ISO certified

Address: 1495/1, Manasarovar, 16th Main Road,
Anna Nagar West,Chennai,
Tamil Nadu,India-600 040
Mobile: +91 9962590571

Thursday, 3 October 2019

ISO 9001:2015 for Improving Business Financial Performance

Why ISO 9001 certification?

The ISO 9001 standard is a basic framework for any organisation – large or small – to ensure a good ISO Certification for Quality Management System. The purposes of the standard are to allow a company to provide higher levels of customer satisfaction, along with consistently supplying products or services that meet customer requirements, as well as to achieve business goals and targets and to maximise profitability. ISO 9001 certification can help a small business in specific areas, especially in business process consistency and supplier relations.

Financial benefits

ISO 9001 certification increases business opportunities with potential customers, as well as Global business. There are companies that do business only with ISO-certified companies, so a business that has an ISO certification will get preference over those that do not. Further on, consistent production operations and fewer product failures cut down on quality costs, resulting in more profitability. Consistent quality in products or services leads to higher customer retention rates and increases customer confidence in the business, which leads to enhancement of the business and eventually results in financial growth.

Increased revenue is the byproduct of ISO 9001 certification. It directly helps the business to develop a sustainable ISO Certification for Quality Management that results in better financial performance by the organisation.

Employees benefits

ISO 9001 certification from the ISO 9001 Certification Body requires the organisation to define organisational structures, roles, and responsibilities; to ensure competence and awareness; and to provide a suitable work environment for operations. If an organisation fulfils all the requirements of the standard related to human resources, this results in higher employee satisfaction and motivation. People love to work in an organisation where they are treated well, listened to and allowed to participate, and anticipate personal growth. ISO 9001:2015 certification requires all of the above-mentioned qualities to be fulfilled, so ISO 9001 certification is likely to be a better place to work for employees as compared to other conventional small businesses without ISO certification.

Customer benefits

The ISO 9001 standard is based on the basic quality management principles of meeting customer requirements and striving to exceed customer expectations. A customer always looks for quality in a product and quality in a service. It’s not only the product quality that encourages a customer to buy again and again; it is also the customer experience that persuades a customer to return. An ISO 9001-certified business increases customer confidence, because the customer knows that he is dealing with an internationally certified company. As the first quality management principle states, this is the key feature that allows a small business to stand out amongst a large number of companies with no such certifications.

Employer benefits

One key advantage that has been negotiate above is getting potential contracts. An ISO-certified business improves its probability of getting potential contracts when that ISO certification is a requirement. Also, from my experience, customer satisfaction increases for an ISO-certified company. An ISO-certified organization can identify and resolve customer issues quickly, intelligently, and more efficiently, and it can do so even before delivering its product or services to the customer. In a small business, optimal use of resources saves a lot. And, if an ISO 9001 Quality Management System is truly implemented, then the company saves a lot by reducing wasted time, money, and effort. Running an ISO 9001 system can help a business to manage its resources effectively and identify opportunities where savings can be found and actions can be taken. The higher turnover, optimized production costs, and improved brand reputation will eventually turn into employer benefits.

 ISO 9001 Certification

Key benefits

ISO 9001 certification benefits all aspects of a business. Some of the key benefits of ISO 9001 certification are the following:
  • Structured and efficient processes management
  • High customer satisfaction and retention
  • Improved quality and service
  • Higher potential for clients and contracts
  • Trusted and valued information and results about the business
  • Better business reputation
  • Consistent processes
  • Increased business turnover

Startups – Why can ISO 9001 make the difference?

Whether only implementing ISO 9001:2015 Certification, or pursuing certification along with it, there are many benefits for the startup. Certification to the standard, however, can bring reputation benefits and ensure entry to levels of business that can propel a startup into relationships and contracts that a non-certified company certainly cannot attain. Before certification takes place – normally six months to a year down the line – there are still many benefits to be had. Evaluating competencies and learning to evaluate performance against objectives is an excellent habit encouraged by the standard that will provide huge benefits to a startup. With ISO 9001 rapidly becoming an entry level certification for many federal and local government contracts, the ISO 9001-certified startup has access to markets that other organisations do not. Implementation and certification costs money, but it is also often the case that there are funding streams available for startups, so this may be the most sensible time to implement ISO 9001 from a ISO 9001 Certification Body for a young business. With the benefits clear to see, can startups afford not to?

How the ISO 9001:2015 standard can help improve relationships with your customers

The ultimate aim of the ISO 9001:2015 standard is to enable a business to satisfy its customers effectively. It can be argued that all components of all clauses contribute toward providing your customer with a consistent and rewarding experience from your goods or services, but the standard deals with “customer satisfaction” directly. It states that the “organisation shall monitor customers’ perceptions of the degree to which their needs and expectations have been fulfilled.” It goes on to list examples of how this information can be obtained, citing customer feedback and surveys, warranties, and dealer reports as examples. These can be effective ways of establishing whether the customer is satisfied with the organisation, but delivering satisfaction stems from more than sending out a survey to solicit feedback. So, what within the ISO 9001:2015 standard can we take to help us toward building a closer relationship with, and ultimately, satisfying our customers?

After reading that you have a question in Mind that how to get ISO Certification for that there are many ISO certification Body to fulfil that. ISO 9001 Certification provider helps to check out the ISO procedure.

Visit us to get ISO certified

Address: 1495/1, Manasarovar, 16th Main Road,
Anna Nagar West,Chennai,
Tamil Nadu,India-600 040
Mobile: +91 9962590571

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